Start a Freelance Home Business & Earn Online: Top Freelance Services to offer in 2021


Now that many jobs are moving online with big retailers such as ASOS buying Topshop for example, online work appears to offer increasingly more job opportunities.

Many office workers have said goodbye to their onerous commute to work thanks to the pandemic and as a result many companies are considering a hybrid work model in the future with partly remote and in-office work. According to this Hybrid Work Gensler UK Workplace Survey in 2020, 67% of UK workers want to spend between 1 and 4 days in the office each week while working from home as well.

More people opt to become their own boss with around 4.8 million freelancers in the UK and 57 million freelancers in the US according to Upwork in 2019. And money-making opportunities that also enable work from home are the ideal venture in times of heavily restricted commerce with e-commerce on the rise.

So let’s explore how to start freelancing and work from home remotely with these top 6 Freelance Services you can offer!


How to Get Started as a Freelancer?

Freelancing is a good way to make money working from home without the need to actually own or register a business.

If you operate your freelancing business under your own name as an individual and you’d like some tax perks, such as the use of your home as a business place, you’ll need to set up a separate business bank account. Most freelance businesses don’t rely on investments to take off and if you come from a previous job where you have already established yourself as an expert in your field, having many connections and potential clients lined up, then starting to earn from your freelance services should not take long.

To find your first few projects you can also browse freelance job boards and search engines to get an idea what clients in your niche may be looking for. Because the key to acquiring clients is to provide excellent services and exploring all available marketing channels. And the best marketing strategy for freelancers is to create a portfolio website and build on referrals and reviews.

Top 6 Freelance Services you can offer to Earn Online

The following freelance services are currently high in demand and can become a lucrative career in the future. However, you may need the necessary skills to start with some of them and you should focus on a field that you are passionate about and already have some experience in at least.

1. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing comes in different shapes and forms such as article writing for online media or blogs, copywriting for PR, web content etc., ghost writing, book writing, academic writing – you name it. ​

Freelance writing is an easy way to get started with freelancing for people who love to write and perhaps have already experience with writing at university for freelance-writing-home-business-for-people-with-a-passion-for-writing-and-bloggingexample. If you have a PC and Internet access, and are able to work with word processing software, creating error-free grammar and text, you can easily start a freelance writing project today.

Furthermore, it’s flexible enough and you can start part-time from any remote location, or even from your living room like content writer Manuela did as she explains in her content writing home business article.

2. Freelance Web Design/Development

Web designing and development is quickly becoming a vastly sought-after online job as businesses look for website experts online to develop and manage their online properties.

Many businesses don’t want to keep web design staff, but rather outsource such jobs without the hassle of building and maintaining their websites themselves. Furthermore, designing a simple custom template can fetch a freelance web designer as much as $2,000 per month with other advanced projects paying even more.

Besides building websites for clients, you can also maintain the sites or create templates and themes that you can sell online, which adds up to your stream of income. Senior web designer Kasun Sameera has developed and designed many websites for ClickDo clients and you can see some case studies here. Once you’re a very experienced web developer, you can also work with web hosting companies like SeekaHost and offer their web hosting to your clients to earn commissions via affiliate programs.

3. Freelance Internet Marketing

Internet or digital marketing includes Social Media Management, Search Engine Optimisation and Marketing, email marketing and content marketing. It is the keyBest-free-expert-digital-marketing-courses-to-learn-as-a-freelancer to the success of any business in todays digital era.

But many businesses don’t always know how to market their brand effectively and rely on freelancers to manage their marketing campaigns online. You can learn digital marketing skills for free with the SeekaHost University where digital marketing experts teach skills like SEO, Facebook Remarketing, Google Ads and much more. You will also need these skills to market your own freelance business so it’s a win-win really.

4. Freelance Translation

There are lots of ways to become a freelance translator and the journey is different for everyone, depending on their qualifications, skills and focus of their online business. For example, a web content translator would mainly work online with their clients while an interpreter meets their clients and mainly translates spoken word communications.

If you are certified to translate official documents in your target languages such as birth certificates you can conduct your translation jobs from home. Sometimes, businesses or individuals will also hire a non-certified translator for more informal translations of perhaps articles or web content. To get a better idea of how you can build your freelance translator home business, read about sworn translator Alexandra Bekavac’s journey or watch her interview with Manuela:

5. Freelance Photography/Videography

If you love taking photos or videos then this is for you. There are lots of ways to approach this and the journey is different for everyone, again depending on their skills and interests. It can also depend on the focus of your business. For example, a Wedding Photography freelancer will promote their work differently from a Sports Photographer. That’s why defining your niche first is key to identify your target audience. Based on this you will display and promote your photography and videography most likely via a website portfolio and photography or image stock websites. For videographers streaming channels like YouTube are ideal.

You can learn more about such platforms and other ways of making money online by reading elaborate money making guides here or check out ClickDo’s make money online expert tips. Read how teacher Petra Eujane built a freelance photography business here and watch her interview with Manuela to get all the insights:

6. Freelance Gaming

Most people are not aware yet of the growing popularity of video and online games and how much revenue a gaming YouTube channel can generate for example. Gaming is huge in the e-sport industry and expert gamers can share their expertise, skills and know-how with millions of other gamers around the world through their own blog or video channels. They can build their own unique worlds on game servers and invite a community of players to join their gaming adventures. Players will pay for the access to Minecraft game servers for example to experience a new gaming adventure or may pay a subscription to the expert gamers. You could also offer your services to help others build extraordinary game servers and worlds that will generate online revenues. Surely your gaming expertise will be rewarded.

Get online and start earning

Learn the digital skills needed to expand your career in the online world. Build an attractive portfolio as a freelancer and showcase your talents.

Your portfolio website is perhaps the most valuable marketing asset and it shows that you are truly a professional in your field, allowing potential clients to see first hand your freelance jobs to decide if your service is a perfect fit for them.

SeekaHost now provides the best managed WordPress hosting with the innovative SeekaHost Blog Hosting Control Panel where you can get online with a WordPress site in less than 60 seconds. So what is holding you back?

During the pandemic freelancing has experienced a hit in certain industries so if you want to bridge this gap or need a regular income while still working from the comfort of your home then you can go through the work from home jobs in the infographic below that London Businesses are offering.
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Top 19 London Businesses Offering Work From Home Jobs

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