How to Create a Hack Proof Website?

How to Create a Hack Proof Website

While it is true that no website is 100% hackproof, it is essential to take certain steps to make it impervious to hacking. Hackers and cyber criminals crack into websites for different reasons. Some of them want to advance their hacking skills, while others simply want to steal information and use them for malicious purposes. Whatever the reason, the onus lies on the website owner to create a high-security website that discourages hackers in the first place.

Every day, thousands of malware-infected websites are located by Google, and the majority of them have been hacked into. So, if one sees some danger warnings from the search engine and their website is blacklisted, it is a sign that the website has been hacked. The solution lies in realizing the gravity of the issue and making a website that discourages hackers in the first place.

How to Create a Hack Proof Website?

How to Create a Hack Proof Website

Given below are some steps to creating a hackproof and a high security website.

  • Start with a secure hosting provider – The first important step is choosing the right web hosting provider that offers you a secure platform to host the website. Look for features and services such as SSL certificates, firewalls, backups, 128-bit AES encryption, and round-the-clock support.
  • Install security plugins – Enhance the security of your website with security plugins to prevent any hacking attempts. There are numerous options to pick from, such as Wordfence, iThemes Security, Sucuri, Bulletproof Security, fail2Ban, fail2Ban, Watchlog Pro, JHacker Watch, and more. There are specific plugins for WordPress site, Magento, Joomla, and more. These options address the inherent security liabilities within each platform. Consider the SiteLock feature in additions for HTML pages and CMS-managed sites.
  • Download and install SSL certificate – Downloading and installing an SSL certificate applies the HTTPS protocol on the website, making it a lot more secure. The HTTP protocol is no longer secure, and online users will always prefer to use the websites that have HTTPS, as it is more secure. Thus, HTTPS is essential for website owners and users, as they know they are on a secure and safe platform.
  • Update the software and use strong passwords– It is essential to get into the habit of updating the software regularly and changing the password. Hackers keep looking for flaws in popular Web software and will always try to get in. Using strong passwords and updated software is crucial because hackers know how to locate weaker passwords and outdated software so that they can hack the website.
  • Invest in automatic backups – Even if one takes care of everything to make their website secure,  it is still not 100% secure. Thus, it is essential to have a backup system for your website as there is still some security risk to your website. Hence, the best way out is to invest in a backup, or you may lose everything in case there is a  data breach on your website. Make sure you invest in the most recent and advanced backup system for your website.
  • Remove any technical vulnerabilities – Don’t underestimate the hackers as they can still break in even if one has powerfully fortified their site. They know how to make their way through those loads and loads of codes and are aware of where the technical weaknesses of a website can be. Thus, you should take proper technical security measures so as to keep your website secure and guarded. Take steps such as narrowing the URL parameters and limiting the queries against SQL injections.

There are some of the important and basic steps one should take to make their website secure from hackers. You can certainly enhance the safety and protection of your website if you implement the above-mentioned security measures.


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