What does a Business Development Manager do?

what does business development manager do

role of business development manager

Professionals in business growth assist firms in forming corporate relationships with other businesses and increasing sales. Business development managers’ (BDM) objectives can differ depending on the industry and employer. Almost all corporate operations managers, on the other hand, are in charge of projects including strategic strategy, marketing, and sales. Some often collaborate closely with engineers or have technological expertise during the planning stage of a business. Business development managers, including salespeople, create leads, handle client and partner partnerships, and close transactions..

Role of a Business Development Manager

The primary responsibility of a BDM  is to assist in the success of the company within which he or she operates. This seasoned specialist designs training programs to prepare and inspire employees of an organization to work at their most productive level, especially in the sales and marketing divisions.

Since it is the business manager’s duty to build the pipeline of new business coming into the organization, strategic strategy for future growth is an important aspect of this job description. This necessitates a detailed understanding of the competition and the company’s rivals.

When advanced Managed Service Providers expand, the need to recruit or foster a committed Business Development employee will inevitably arise. To others, Business Development is just a fancy sales title used on LinkedIn to hide one’s true intentions. Other (more enlightened) IT providers put this strategy into practice in its purest form: forming win-win alliances that promote prosperity. Dedicating the right individual to search out these relationships will mean the difference between gaining or losing market share in the local market and beyond.  You must be actively learning in order to form new alliances with your business. If you don’t understand the factors, you won’t be able to accurately determine where your organization falls into the mix when you face emerging businesses, innovations, and verticals.

Being a “know-it-all” has no role in Business Development. Being overconfident or refusing to accept that you don’t know anything will only prevent you from finding the ideal connection that will bind the two companies together. BDMs who are successful are still learning about what businesses and innovations do, how they perform, and what makes them successful.

You can’t recognize the foundation of a successful relationship when speaking about a company or sales. Only through listening can you learn about what your potential partner’s aspirations are and how you can assist them in achieving them. Still want to steer the dialogue rather than overtake it. This is accomplished by answering specific questions that will assist your potential partner in self-realizing the advantages of doing business with you before you have to say something.

Instead of a “dialogue,” inexperienced BDMs engage in a “discourse” (a one-way communication used to deliver information) with their prospects. This is a typical error made by people who lack trust and want to prove their worth by literally filling the discourse with as much detail as possible. As a general rule, make sure the communications are two-way and that knowledge is going in all directions at all times, even though this ensures that certain items are left unsaid.

A large part of today’s Business Development position is setting meetings via email, LinkedIn, or in-person communication. The more meetings you schedule, the more likely you are to have one that will provide you with a valuable development opportunity. Having access to individuals, though, is not always easy. Those who can use their influence to get access to the best candidates are some of the most effective Business Development Managers.

The lack of strategic acumen of recently named BDMs with little experience is a problem. To really relate and engage with people in these roles, requires participation in either running a company or serving in a leadership capacity in one. The willingness to focus on these events will have an unmistakable sense of security and confidence in a potential partner. They should be able to understand enough to become more relatable before their real-life experience catches up by immersing themselves in the right groups of people and paying careful attention.

BDMs should be able to find the potential in something and be able to convince others to see it as well. This desire to create win-win relationships and then carry them out requires a special way of thinking that is difficult to teach but also comes easily to those who excel at it. Building a foundation of knowledge to draw upon in the calculations is the perfect way to develop logic. You will better forecast what types of collaborations will work in the future if you know what types of partnerships have been effective in the past. Still trying to figure out how your partners profit from working with you and then repeat that experience with new partners in similar situations.

Hustle is the one thing that doesn’t take any talent, knowledge, or intellect. Self-starting hustlers with the potential to only “do” are often seen in successful BDMs. They don’t need extensive preparation, guidance, or micromanagement. They’re clearly given a target and a few instructions and told to turn over stones before they find something.  A shy, reluctant, or lazy Business Development Manager cannot and will not excel. The most critical aspect of this job is getting yourself out there to as many people as possible and meeting people who can reciprocate. Successful Business Development Managers are able to take failure and move forward without losing faith or altering their attitude.

BDMs can strive to improve their analytical, strategic analysis, and information technology capabilities, as well as their work experience. Companies will employ experts who can develop business relationships leveraging the new Internet technology as a result of e-commerce and social networking platforms. Company marketing experts may also seek advanced certifications or take continued education classes to keep up to date with the new industry developments in order to improve their salaries and job growth opportunities.