How to beat brain fog at work?

How to beat brain fog

Brain fog is the term used when we cannot focus our thoughts or concentrate on anything clearly, It has been found that “brain fog” is in fact a symptom of long covid. It varies from person to person but ultimately it can leave us feeling unmotivated, lethargic, and with a short attention span.  Brain fog is also affecting people’s work, as we need to think clearly and pay attention to detail when it comes to our jobs. Here, Doctor Giuseppe Aragona, GP and medical advisor for Prescription Doctor reveals his tips on how to beat brain fog at work and be more productive when all you want to do is stare into space.

  1. Plan your day

Having a plan for the workday can really benefit your productiveness. Having clear goals which need to be achieved by the end of the day will allow you to focus on the task in hand without deviating or sitting with your own foggy thoughts and not actually getting anything done. Writing a simple to-do list first thing and working your way through it one by one will be easy and you will find this helps to organize your thoughts.

Plan your day

  1. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water each day will keep you hydrated which should help you to keep a clear mind and feel motivated. A hydrated brain will always function better than a dehydrated one so upping the liquids to 2/3 litres a day is advised.

  1. Drink plenty of wateAvoid distractions 

Distraction’s throughout the day are a sure-fire way to stop you from being productive and getting work done, especially when working from home. Ensure to put your phone away in another room as the temptation to check messages or social media will be great, keep TVs and radios turned off and only focus on one thing at a time. If you work best with background noise perhaps play music with no lyrics so you aren’t concentrating on the song.

Avoid distractions

  1. Get plenty of sleep

 Sleep is imperative for brain health and allowing us to be alert and productive each day. Ensuring you go to bed at the same time each night, and it’s not too late will allow you to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep per night which you need for healthy brain and cognitive function. 

  1. Get plenty of sleepKeep moving

Daily exercise is important as this affects our concentration and mental health more than you would think, getting the blood pumping and the body moving will increase endorphins and serotonin levels and this will help in keeping your body and mind motivated and focussed on work. If you can get out in the morning for a daily walk or run this is even better as you are getting fresh air and oxygen into your lungs, blood and brain.

  1. Change up your surroundings

Sometimes being stuck in the same routine can leave us to feel unmotivated and this in turn means our work is affected. If you are working from home, why not have 2 or 3 days a week working from a local coffee shop – this will get you out the house and the hustle and bustle of people will most likely make you feel as though your back in the office and it could increase productivity and reduce brain fog.

  1. Change up your surroundingsAvoid screens before bed

Avoiding any screens before bed is key in ensuring a good night sleep. Try to read a book for an hour before sleep and do not look at your phone during this hour, if you need to set alarms ensure this is done before you reach for the book. Screen time before bed has been proven to disrupt our sleep and leave us feeling alert as oppose to sleepy which is why many people who scroll social media before bed have trouble sleeping.

  1. Avoid screens before bedLimit your alcohol intake

Limit how much alcohol you drink in the week as this can contribute to the foggy feelings you will feel in the morning and will most likely cloud your thoughts and affect your progress with work. You should also cut down on smoking if you smoke.

  1. Limit your alcohol intakeMeditate 

Meditation can be a great way to clear your mind and relax your body. A 10-minute daily meditation can change the way you think and will allow you to clear your thoughts before the working day. Yoga may also help as breathing and stretching should help you to feel motivated and ready to take on the day.

  1. Meditate Be kind to yourself

Brain fog can be hard to manage, and we can sometimes beat ourselves up for not being able to concentrate and focus. Try to focus on one thing at a time and don’t get angry when you can’t focus, take 5 minutes away from the desk, have a coffee, and take some deep breaths and you should come back to the task feeling more positive.

Follow this in your everyday daily routine to have a productive day.


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