Inhale Exhale: How Breathing Meditation helps to reduce stress?

Inhale Exhale How Breathing Meditation helps to reduce stress

Inhale exhale are the breathing mechanism all about how our body brings oxygen inside and gets rid of carbon dioxide outside.

Simply sit in a silent place and observing your breath flow can immediately down your stress and opens a door to a healthy and peaceful lifestyle.

The main benefit of breathing Meditation is inhale-exhale helps to relieve all your stress and reduce negative thoughts. Many people believe that breathing and meditation provide greater relaxation and works as stress relief.

When started to focus your attention on your inhale-exhale, you just enter the entry-level of “meditation.” You can notice the immediate sense of energy and relaxation that would happen in your body. If you started to enjoy it, then meditation will become part of your routine and it molds you to accept and appreciate whatever happens in your life.

Inhale EXhale

Commonly meditation is recommended to manage stress in working place, in relationships, in family, in studies, etc. Meditation plays a big role in reducing stress and helps you sleep more peacefully by controlling your blood pressure.

Simply the breathing exercises bring more relaxation, there are several types of breathing exercises available, each has its own twist.

In this blog, I am sharing my first ever experience on breathing Meditation and how it brings changes in my lifestyle.

What is Breathing Meditation?

All you need for breathing meditation is a comfortable place in your house with no more distractions. You may walk, sit, or stand, the choice is yours, but many people prefer the sitting posting is the best position for doing meditation. To make your breathing meditation success you just need two things.

  • The first one, a focus for your mind with the repetition of any sound, mantras, word, or light music.
  • The second one you should allow your everyday thoughts to come and go on repetition during inhale and exhale.

What is Breathing Meditation

Your mind can be a busy and noisy place where all thoughts will arise. To calm down your mind you should try to focus your attention on your mind and make your soul connect with your mind. The final stage of mediation is the integration of mind, body, and soul. If you start to focus on your breath by counting your inhale and exhale, you can easily attain the final stage.

In beginning start to practice breathing meditation at the same time every day in the evening and morning for 10 to 15 minutes and gradually increase the timing.

You can realize how your jumbled thoughts get eliminated from your mind and it makes your concentration on the present moment. It results in physical and emotional well-being.

Benefits of regular Breathing Meditation

The overall benefit of breathing meditation is it can give you more peace and helps to balance your emotions. The benefits do not end up along with your meditation sessions. This will keep your calmer and more energetic throughout the entire day.

What are the emotional benefits of Breathing meditation?

When you meditate regularly, it keeps you away from your everyday stress and it helps to clear away the bundle of thoughts that contributes to your stress. Here are some of the emotional benefits of meditation that I have realized.

  • Allows us to manage stressful situations more perspective.
  • Gives all skills to manage our stress.
  • Gained more self-awareness.
  • Focusing on the present moment
  • Reducing negative thoughts and emotions
  • Boost up my imagination and creativity level
  • Gives patience and tolerance.

Benefits of regular Breathing Meditation

What are the medical benefits of Breathing Meditation?

Meditation also helps you to get recover from a medical condition. Some scientific research suggests that meditation helps more people to manage severe medical issues. Not only the breathing meditation treats some major disease, but the regular also inhale and exhale keeps you away from the various medical issues includes.

  • Asthma
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain
  • Cancer
  • Heart problems
  • Depressions
  • Blood pressure
  • Sleeping problems and
  • Neural diseases.

I am not ensuring that breathing meditation is a replacement for medical treatment. But it may give better results if you add meditation along with your medications.

What are the Different Types of Breathing Meditation?

Mindfulness Breathing Meditation

  • Get into a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes and start your inhale and exhale.
  • Pay more attention to the depth of breath.
  • Become aware of your breathing and all sensations happening in your body.
  • Now your body starts relaxing.

Mindfulness Breathing Meditation

Counted Breathing Meditation

Counting Breathing helps you to stretch out your inhales and exhales.

  • While inhale and exhale start to count the breath slowly.
  • Inhale through your nose and slowly start the count down from five and pause the breath at count 5 then slowly let the air exhale through your mouth for the counts 8, 7, and 6.
  • Repeat the process to cleanse your lungs through each breath.

Counted Breathing Meditation

Mantra meditation

In mantra meditation, sit in a silent place and silently repeat any mantras like calming words or phrase that keeps you away from the distracting thoughts.

Well, I hope the above information helps you all aware of breathing meditation and its benefits. Let me share how I am started my Meditation journey, what initiates me to start a meditation, where I got the inspiration, and first my experience with breathing meditation in the upcoming sessions.

My Experience with the Breathing Meditation

I am not familiar with meditation and yogas. But I always used to add these to my bucket list for every new year. Even at the end of 2020, my revolution is to start meditation before 2021 ends. The true inspiration comes from Fernando Raymond, CEO of #1 digital marketing agency ClickDo and Web hosting company SeekaHost, London. While I am starting my career as a content writer and SEO consultant at ClickDo, I wondered about his superpower of handling everything in a cool manner. One day the secret behind his superpower was revealed.

He suggested some of the tricks add to our daily routine to increase productivity. Meditation was one of the checklists, that helps to boost up our creative skills to the next level.

This is the point where I started to think about meditation, and I am started to install more meditation apps. After few days I realized, proper learning is a must to start practicing anything new. In the Covid-19 pandemic, I cannot get out to any learning center to learn how to do a proper meditation. At that time, I came to know about the “Online Meditation & Breathing workshop”. Without thinking much, I enrolled immediately.

At the first session, I learned we should pay more attention to our breath to start meditation. Inhale / Exhale is the thing we are always doing, yet aware of its benefits.  Awareness, Mindfulness, and Acceptance. Actually, meditation comes in with these 3 things.

The next thing is the position, where I started with apps, I thought sitting with my leg folded on the ground or lying in the bed is the right position for meditation. But after attending the first session of the workshop, I realized sitting with the spine erect is the best posture to do a mediation.

Then I started to do breathing meditation in the early morning time before sunrise. I practiced this for few days in the early morning and something triggered me like” why not evening is the best time?” So, I started to do breathing meditation in the evening after the sunset before my bedtime. It doesn’t work better in the as early morning time. Then I switched back to the early morning routine.

There is one famous quote, “When Noting Goes Right, Take Left”! This is a humorous one, but it really makes sense. When I found nothing works better and going on the right path, I decided to take an immediate left. Here the left was starting to do a meditation. After that, I have visualized many things and now everything becomes quieter.

Different Types of Breathing Meditation

I found more time to utilize to increase productivity and to spend time with nature things.

I realized the main purpose of meditation is to live in the present moment and it never stops our mind from thinking. I make myself to thinking in many positive ways and allows me to do a thing with the presence of mind. I started to discover more about my life and growth with confidence.

Every day after doing my meditation I feel like a new-born baby and get ready to face a day with the superpower smile on my face.

Final words:

It does not matter, what you are facing in your life. Meditation is a vital way to heal and purify your mind and soul.  Let your body get rejuvenating through meditation. Any form of meditation is good for you to follow, surely it should uplift you from your current situation and helps you to tackle more stressful situations with a great smile.

If you also experienced some changes or improvements in your life through meditation, kindly share your thoughts about meditation in the comment box.