How to start your own business with no money in UK?

starting a business without money in uk

Smart ways to start your own business with no money in UK

So you wanted to start your own business when you got up this morning. That’s fantastic! But wait, you don’t know how to launch a company on a shoestring budget! Oh no, that’s not nice. Isn’t it true that if you don’t have enough money to start a company, you’ll never be able to succeed? That’s incorrect. People come up with a variety of excuses why they can’t start a company, and one of the most common is a lack of funds.

Begin with a small company

begin with a small company

When you first set out, you’ll want to put your company concept to the test. Starting tiny with friends and relatives, asking for input and posting the goods or services on their social media sites is a good idea. This will allow you to graduate to using word of mouth to promote your company for free. Many companies do use this strategy to generate buzz about a new product or launch.

Make use of a marketplace

make use of marketplace

You may want to move your business idea from marketing to friends and family to an online marketplace until you feel a pull on the thread. There are several options available, so it depends on the kind of product you’re offering.

For eg, Etsy only allows handcrafted products to be sold on their website, while eBay allows you to sell almost everything. It all depends on who you’re trying to reach for your stuff, where they’re going to buy, and so on. Keep in mind that, while these marketplaces can be incredibly useful for marketing your goods online, they can also become your competitors.

Obtain financing for your business

obtain finance for your business

If these choices aren’t right for you and you need money to get your business off the ground (for example, if you need specialised equipment), you should look at obtaining financing for your company.

Examining investment options is another excellent way to get your company off the ground. You may qualify for a number of grant programmes, some of which provide mentorship. If you want to hear more about how to get funds for your company, visit our small business grants in the UK forum. You may still take a more conservative approach to apply for a business loan from your favourite bank. If this is the first time applying for a business loan, note to keep the spending on this budget as low as possible, and plan to cover other costs with the money the company generates in the future.

Other methods of raising money are becoming more common, and major companies such as Tile and Revolut got their start on crowd funding platforms like Kickstarter and Crowd Funder. If you don’t succeed in raising funds for your company, there are a few other ways to get a business plan off the ground, which is outlined below.

Is drop shipping an alternative worth considering?

drop shipping is an alternative considering
The best part of becoming an online drop shipping company is that you don’t need any inventory and don’t have to think about shipping because the drop shipper will do it for you. That eliminates all of the financial strain and risk that comes with maintaining a warehouse full of employees and inventory. So, where do you begin? The first step is to determine if your business plan is suitable for drop delivery. If you’re in the apparel market, that’s fantastic, so if you’re looking to sell used cameras, you’ll have to go on to the next tip.

If you have the ability to drop ship your items, the first move is to advertise them for sale on your own website, if you have one. If not, look for one that will offer you a free trial, which you can do on sites like eBay and Amazon. After that, what you have to do is wait for an order. Okay, it’s not that easy.

You’ll need to advertise it to get your first sale, because if you do, all you have to do is give the customer’s information to your drop shipper, who will take care of the rest. Owing to the more effort involved on their part, they obviously charge you more for the product than if you bought it in bulk. But if you don’t have any, it’s a great place to start. Remember that if the drop shipper fails to deliver on time or with poor quality, you will be held responsible. So, much as you trust your hairdresser, make sure you can trust the drop shipper.

You can sell anything you don’t need to make some extra money

Okay, maybe you’ll almost always need money to get your company off the ground. It is possible to start a company without funding, but it would be a long and difficult process. It also depends on the kind of business you choose to start.

So, if you’re serious about getting started quickly, here’s some sound advice. You might sell something you don’t even need. Maybe you have an old Xbox or device that is still functional but that you no longer need. You can sell things like these and reinvest the proceeds into your business. If you don’t have any other options, search around your house for things you don’t need.

Make something that people are interested in

Okay, that’s fine. Buying the supplies you’ll use to make something normally costs money up front. For example, if you try to paint an image to sell, the paint would always cost you money. However, there are moments when you can build something from nothing at all. The most of the time, it’s easier to search at your house to see what you have or what you might borrow from a friend. There are a range of excellent online marketplaces where you can sell your handcrafted products. Etsy, Bonanza, and eBay are only a few examples. To maximise their visibility, many company owners market their goods on as many websites as possible.

Offer your services for sale

If you’re good at something, whatever it is, work on it until you’re very good at it, and then start a service-based company. There are a few different options to begin offering your services, so it all depends on the line you choose to choose. If you want to make websites for users, the only thing you can do is list your services on sites like Fiverr, People Per Hour, Elance, and others.

If you’ve built up a client base, you can launch your own website and charge customers directly for your services. If your service is more of an offline enterprise, such as landscaping, you’ll need to get out there and find clients through flyers, word of mouth, and maybe even social media marketing. Once you have something to show, you can create a website and get people to pay for your services through your website. You may also sell small items like plant pots and other small items from your website. These are some of the smart ways to start your own business without money.