Home Business Why An Italian Investor Visa Is A Foolproof Solution For Startup Aspirants?

Why An Italian Investor Visa Is A Foolproof Solution For Startup Aspirants?

why an investor visa makes a foolproof solution for startup aspirants

The startup journey is an uphill one because it entails endless challenges. From procuring funding to finding the right markets, gaining a competitive edge, and sustaining in the initial phase, nothing seems easy. Expect the roadblocks to be even more daunting if you want to set up overseas. Besides beating the local rivals and fulfilling the regulatory guidelines, you have to deal with the immigration challenges.

Thankfully, Italy is one destination where immigration seems easy with the investor visa option. Even better, you can connect with immigration experts as these professionals can assist you in the process from start to end. Let us explain why an investor visa makes a foolproof solution for startup aspirants.

Why An Italian Investor Visa Is A Foolproof Solution For Startup Aspirants?

Invest according to your capacity

why an investor visa makes a foolproof solution for startup aspirants - Invest according to your capacity

While the investor visa is often about hefty investment, you have some flexibility when investing in Italy. It lets you choose between various alternatives, starting with €250,000 as an investment in a startup. You can opt for an established business (€500,000), donate to a welfare project (€1 million), or buy government bonds (€2 million). Startups often run on tight budgets, and investing millions in immigration may be challenging. But you can invest according to your capacity with the Italian investor visa.

Complete the process in a few months

You can complete the investor visa process within a few months, so it is easy to fulfill your business goals sooner than later. The journey entails only two steps- obtaining a nulla osta and applying for the investor visa at your local consulate. You need not even bring in the money until landing in Italy and getting the resident status. The best part is that you can even bring your loved ones without additional investment. Consider it an ideal way to set up a new business and home in an incredible country.

Get expert assistance for a hassle-free process

Get expert assistance for a hassle-free process

When planning to establish a startup, the last thing you want to deal with is immigration planning. You will always run short of time, so it is better to utilize it for strategic planning. Thankfully, you can get expert assistance for a hassle-free process to obtain an Italian investor visa. These experts will look after your visa requirements while you can focus on planning and strategy.

Extend your outreach across the EU markets

Landing in with the investor visa is a great start to your global startup dreams. You can get a residence permit right away and move along the next steps. It allows you to live and work in the country and establish your startup here. But it is only the tip of the iceberg as you can extend your outreach across the EU markets. You can travel visa-free to these countries, making it easy to sell and make clients overseas and help grow your business.

Stay in Italy for the long haul

Stay in Italy for the long haul

Another benefit of the Italian investor visa is that it lets you stay in Italy for the long haul. You can start as a resident with a two-year residence permit, extend it with renewal, and become a permanent resident after five years. Another five years in the country make you eligible for citizenship by naturalization. It means you can begin as a startup and stay back with a successful business venture down the line.

An Italian startup is no longer a challenging vision for aspiring entrepreneurs. The investor visa takes you a step closer to the dream of an international startup.