What is Email Marketing and How does it Work?


Email marketing is of the best digital marketing strategies that can boost your visitors effectively. Email marketing is the oldest digital marketing strategy which is in practice before the rise of social media. This strategy still has a huge reach over any other digital marketing campaigns like SEO, social media, and Affiliate marketing. This is because of the usage of email, though people have a bunch of social media platforms, they will use their email only for professional use. Email is used by every people in this world, and this strategy is totally competitive because every SEO expert will utilize this concept. In this article, we will discuss what is email marketing and how does it work.

There is a lot of confusion in using email marketing strategy. Many SEO experts are lacking in this concept, and they do not know how and where to use this. To reach out to the desired users or visitors, first, you need to clearly learn and understand what email marketing is. Let us start with the concept and learn how does it work and how to implement it.

What is Email Marketing?

What is Email MarketingEmail marketing is the process of sending a number of promotional messages to the targeted audiences. This email marketing is used to build business promotion and to create awareness about a company’s brand and its products. It is one of the softer marketing solutions to make the people know about your products and deals. This plays a vital role in your marketing strategy that brings up lead generation, brand awareness, building relationships and keeping the customers engaged with your brand and products.

There are 4 types of email marketing strategies they are,

  1. Email Newsletter
  2. Acquisition Emails
  3. Retention Emails
  4. Promotional Emails

Email Newsletter

Email NewsletterOne of the most commonly used email marketing strategies is an email newsletter. As a small business, you can make use of an email newsletter to grow your brand and products. The main aim of an email newsletter is to build customer relationships, increase retention and engagement, and strengthen customer loyalty.

A proper email newsletter should add value to your customer’s inbox, it should contain a thought leadership, an advertisement about new services and products, and engaging content with respect, and it should be a professional email.

Acquisition Emails

Acquisition emails are the emails that are sent to people who are your subscribers but not your customers yet. This helps the small business owners, to reach the targeted customers by adding the best deals and offers in the email. The mail should also contain the latest products and updates about the company. This is one of the best ways to move leads through the conversion funnel and it targets only the people who show interest in your product or brand.

Retention Emails

Retention emails are the emails that are sent by requesting feedback or an offer to the customers who don’t interact with your business in recent days. This is one of the excellent digital marketing strategies for an experienced email marketer to engage with a hard-own customer for a small business.

Promotional Emails

Promotional emails are sent to the active customers to increase the sale and signups for a new product. You should include the offers and exclusive products and information about the product. This promotional mail can boost the brand name and increase the sale of any new product. This also helps to get more new visitors to your website.

How does Email Marketing Work?

How does Email Marketing WorkEmail marketing is the top digital marketing strategy that helps to engage people directly and virtually. To send a professional email for the targeted audiences you need 3 essential elements,

  1. An Email List
  2. An Email Service Provider
  3. Clear Goals

An Email List

An Email ListAs a digital marketing specialist, you need an active email list for successful email marketing campaigns. You should have a database with a list of contacts and emails, who are responding and interested in your brand and products. Make sure that they are interested in receiving marketing emails. You can engage people in many ways using email marketing, one of the best ways is to create an offer (lead magnet) for the targeted customer.

You can add gift vouchers, 50% deal offers, exchange offers or a coupon with the email which will make the customer view your product and make a deal.

An Email Service Provider [ESP]

An ESP is an online email marketing software, which helps you in reducing the time of sending emails to the selected customers. ESP makes the whole process like sending and receiving emails automated. This helps you to screen the entire process and you can take the necessary action to improve customers satisfaction. You can also send selective emails to your targeted audience through ESP.

Clear Goals

Email marketing helps you to achieve many business needs and you should have a proper destination to customize your content. Some of the best business activities are,

  • Drive sales
  • Boost brand awareness
  • Lead Generation
  • Keep customers engaged
  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Lifetime value
  • Helps to build links for a business website

You should first select the desired goal to optimize your email which can increase brand awareness. Follow the below-listed steps to have an effective email marketing campaign,

Step -1: Segment your email list according to the customer or subscribers’ actions

Step -2: Create a professionally developed content and email to reach out the desired goal and to improve the customer action

Step -3: Use ESP to send the emails and monitor the actions automatically.

 Advantages of Email Marketing

  • Email is permission-based
  • Direct interaction with customers
  • Gives you more control
  • It is more personalized
  • Measurable
  • Scalable

 Disadvantages of Email Marketing

  • Tough Competition
  • You need an Email List
  • Tricky rules and regulations to navigate
  • Delivery and Deliverability issues

This also helps to get more new visitors to your website. You can also learn more about the different types of email marketing and their legal considerations here.


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