Your next high-profile event is the best opportunity to expand and grow your business, amongst a network of customers and advisors. It makes sense that you would want this event to be highly anticipated! There are many ways to anticipate your business for next high-profile event, and here are just a few of them.
Social Media
In the here and now, our corporate world is all about social media. Select the right platform, and advertise your high-profile event in advance with catchy slogans and interactive content. Be certain of your audience demographic, and choose the social media that corresponds best. Anticipation will rise, fast.
Email Campaign
Although in the face of social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, an email campaign might seem a little old school – there is a reason why email campaigns have been in use for years, as an effective way to build anticipation for corporate high-profile events. If you already have a comprehensive email list to hand, great! Send an initial email to your guests up to 3 months in advance, covering the particulars of your event: venue, registration, date.
Nurture the interest of your network, and connect with your guest list on a personal level as the date draws nearer. Targeting your emails to their unique wants and needs is a good way to do this. A fortnight or so before, sending off a reminder to register their attendance is also advisable – retaining attention and building excitement.
Recall our advice for using social media to build anticipation, and multiply this tenfold! By employing influencer marketing – hiring a notable personality to advertise and engage with your next high profile event – you can engage a much wider audience demographic, encourage greater attendance to your event and ultimately boost the total revenue of your business. Customers are most likely to shop when a product has been recommended by an influencer they trust.
Event Website
To establish your high-profile event as important, valuable and well worth attending, it is advisable to start a website wholly dedicated to this event alone. Not only does this lend weight to your upcoming event, but it can also be a good point of reference for any important details – venues, catering, location, date and time. Convenient for your guest list, and a compelling way to build anticipation that only grows over time.
When the promotion is all said and done, the anticipation for your event does not have to end there. Broadcast your event live through a live webcast platform and allow a greater audience to engage with your content – even if they live in another country or continent! Thousands of viewers can take part in your event, and see the value of a business from afar.
There is no more efficient way to network and engage with an audience. And there you have it – just a few ways that your business can build anticipation for its next high-profile event, and how to ensure you broadcast it to a maximised audience. With these tips in mind, you will be able to effectively achieve the most out of every event that you host.