How to Put on a Killer Conference Your Employees Will Never Forget?

How to put on a killer conference your employees will never forget

Putting on a showstopper of a conference, one that your employees will never forget, is one of the most powerful and beneficial things you can do. Nowadays, conferences are a normal part of work culture, which also means that, let’s be honest, when employees hear there’s an upcoming work conference, many dread the drabness. But, with a few tricks and tactics and some sound knowledge up your sleeve, you can put on a truly killer conference that your employees will never forget.

In this article, we’re going to discuss some tried and true methods of bringing your conference to life. We’ll help you succeed in grabbing and keeping your employees’ attention with some simple psychology. And we’ll tell you how to make your conference truly interesting and engaging, and how hiring a conference management company can be your winning ticket to putting on a killer conference your employees won’t forget and want to tell all their friends about.

How to put on a killer conference your employees will never forget?

Speak to your employees like they’re family

You’re putting on a conference for your employees, not for total strangers. Don’t look to impress by being someone you’re not. While the tone of a conference can be serious at times depending on the topic and desired outcome, it’s important to remember that your employees dedicate a whole lot of time working for you and with you; take the opportunity to bond with them in a new way.

How to put on a killer conference your employees will never forget - Speak to your employees like they’re familyIt’s more than likely some of your employees will be a little nervous beforehand. Put them at ease. Let them know by speaking to them, joking with them and making the conference light-hearted where appropriate. People remember events in their lives by the emotions they feel. One key to putting on a killer conference your employees will never forget is to simply make it enjoyable — and the first way to do this is to speak to them warmly like they’re family.

Begin your talk with an attention-grabbing first line or question.

There’s no point worrying about keeping attention (more on this key part later) if you can’t grab it from the get-go. One of the simplest, most effective, tried and true methods of beginning a conference or talk that has a successful outcome is, to begin with, an attention-grabbing first line or question.

Think about the latest email, blog post or book you read. We’re willing to bet that the ones you read fully or remember well began with a bold headline or a question that piqued your interest. This is an old trick, but even any great conference networking company worth its salt would also attest to the power of beginning this way.

Begin your talk with an attention-grabbing first line or questionBy beginning your talk with a bold statement, or asking an open rhetoric question, the ears of your employees will perk up and take notice. It’s intriguing. It’s different. It’s unexpected. It’s worth listening to. It gets them thinking. And if done well, gets them discussing it afterwards, lengthening the life of your conference.

Instead of starting with the boring and expected ‘how are you all today?’ try ‘you know, I always wondered…’

Open up a dialogue with your audience

Your audience, in this case, are your employees; and remember what we said before? Your employees are your family so, keep your employees happy.

You’ve probably thought about questions and answers time. But, instead of waiting till the very end, which everyone expects, why not make it less formal and open up a live dialogue? Experts in conference management will tell you that a great way to warm up and open up your audience is to make things less formal, easy and more light-hearted.

Open up a dialogue with your audienceOf course, you may have some serious things you want to discuss, but if you’ve hired them, you must trust them; and if you trust them, you can have open discourse and allow the free flow of information.

This can be a very rewarding experience for everyone involved. It can build trust, a sense of kinship and improve business efficiency.

And if your employees aren’t willing to participate, there’s no harm done. By offering an open dialogue with your employees, you show yourself as open and appreciative of what your employees think and their opinions.

Hire a conference management company to help you

There are so many strategies and ways to put on a killer conference. You may want to add to the tips we’ve already given and put on a true showstopper that couldn’t be forgotten by all those listening and participating even if they tried. If this is you, and you want to go all-out, then consider hiring a corporate management company.

Professional conference organisers can help you go above and beyond. A well-established conference company will have the experience and expertise to give you the tips and tricks you need.

Hire a conference management company to help youWhat’s more, they can help you plan from start to finish, bringing the idea you have to life and making the outcomes you want for you and your team a reality.

It’s a worthwhile investment if you want to put on a truly killer conference that your employees will never forget.