The 3 Essentials To Use To Burglar-Proof Your Business

The 3 Essentials To Use To Burglar-Proof Your Business

With how dependent businesses are on technology, there is a huge focus on securing data and preventing hackers from getting into secure files. This is definitely important, but it also means there is less attention paid to physical security to prevent burglars from getting into the building.

There are still plenty of thieves who would seize an opportunity to break in and steal what they can. They simply need to see that security is lax and they will take advantage. Instead of leaving things to chance, it pays off to take security seriously and create a system that no thief would dare to try to break into.

In this article, we will go over a few of the essentials to think about when it comes to securing your business from intruders.

1. Security company

security company

The most comprehensive system to have for your business is a company that provides all-around security for the building. They install cameras, an alarm, and a patrol person to monitor the premises. They are effective because the police may not always arrive in time to prevent things from being stolen when they receive an alarm of the break-in.

Not only that but there are times when there is a false activation of security and some police will not respond to alarms at that address after two or three of them. It’s better to have somebody on site and patrol the area.

A company like this also provides key holding and alarm response if you don’t need somebody physically there at all times. Check out the security key holding services from Key Control Services​​ and you’ll get an idea of what they provide. Essentially, they will have somebody with a key to your business and can stay there to secure it in case of an alarm or break-in so an employee doesn’t have to.

2. Cameras


Cameras are now so technically advanced that they can be a very good deterrent to a burglar. In the past, you could only see if something was happening if you monitored the cameras at all times. It involved paying a security guard to look at the footage.

These days, cameras will activate when there is movement, and thanks to the Internet of Things, you can then be alerted remotely on any device. Then, you’re able to log in and see what is happening in real-time at the property.

When combined with a silent alarm, this can be a very powerful tech tool in your security system.

3. Proper Maintenance

proper maintenance

Poorly maintained properties are practically an invitation to a thief to come and rob the place. When they see a broken fence, or windows that don’t close properly, they know that there is an opportunity to get in easily and make off with things easily.

Make sure to maintain the business property and fix things that are broken so you aren’t targeted by a burglar. It’s a good idea to upgrade to burglar-resistant materials when fixing the property.