Digital Nomads -1 Billion People Will Be Digital Nomads by 2035

Digital Nomads

A debated and growing topic is about digital nomadism, which from being considered a momentary trend, is turning into a social and cultural movement.

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines a digital nomad as “someone who performs their occupation entirely over the internet while traveling.”

The phenomenon is evolving thanks to the economic benefits it produces: Abrother Abroad estimates that the sector currently produces up to 787 billion dollars per year.

However, it is essential to distinguish between digital nomads and remote workers.

Why Digital Nomads are The Future Of Remote work?

Digital nomads are people who work remotely, but instead of settling in a geographical area – like remote workers working from home and from afar – they move everywhere and continuously in the world.

Digital nomads are a lifestyle which combines work with a life on the road.

The big spread of digital nomadism is made possible by technological innovations such as low-cost wifi, software that allows content sharing and VoIP (which permits contact among employers and customers).

The Gig Economy has also contributed to this phenomenon. In fact, more and more independent freelancers and part-time workers are required: that’s the perfect combination for “nomadism”.

In the world, the estimations state that there are about 35 million of digital nomads: 27% of them would be European and of these, 8% come from the United Kingdom.

Contrary to what one might think, not only the youngest choose this opportunity: the truth is that the average age of people who define themselves as digital nomads are around 32 years old and the highest percentage is in the range from 30 up to 39 years (47 %).

Why Digital Nomads are The Future Of Remote work

This choice is also undertaken by married couples who share a passion for travel and by families with children who decide to make their children “nomads”, seeing it as an opportunity for growth (temporary or definitive).

The choice of nomadism is often due to the research for a better balance between work and private life, the freedom that this lifestyle offers and the love for travelling.

Other reasons are economics: digital nomads often move to countries that have a low average cost of living. In this context, the 3 countries most chosen by digital nomads are: Mexico, Thailand and Portugal.

The most common occupational sectors for digital nomads are: marketing, computer science/IT, design, writing and e-commerce and these tasks are filled by both self-employed and employees.

For companies, it may be a good choice to decide to offer “nomadic” positions since it turns out that people who define themselves as nomads are more productive and less inclined to take days off thanks to the satisfaction they find in their lifestyle.

The future, therefore, seems to move in a precise direction, with an idea of work that is very different from that one we know.

Sercanto, which operates in 35 countries, offers job opportunities all over the world giving the opportunity to find work as digital nomads. If you are looking for a online job, sercanto is the best place for you. Maybe it’s time to change your lifestyle, travel around the world and find the most suitable path for you.